KASE day session: USDKZT_TOD = 348.45, USDKZT_0_001 = +0.1500 (15.49 % APR)

23 ақпан 2016, 16:50

The day foreign currencies trading session ended on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). Due to the holiday on February 23 in the Russian Federation no trading in RUBKZT_TOD instrument was held on KASE today.

Based on results of trades on the spot-market:

— weighted average US dollar rate with T+0 settlements in tenge   (USDKZT_TOD) made KZT348.45 per US dollar at the trades volume   USD114,000 th.;

— on US dollar with settlements T+1 and T+2 in tenge no deals were made;   at the session close quotes in the KASE trading system were absent;

— on euro with settlements Т+0, T+1 and T+2 in US dollars and tenge no   deals were made; at the session close quotes in the KASE trading system   were absent;

The weighted average US dollar rate based on results of the morning and day sessions made up KZT348.69 per dollar (-3.08); the total volume of trades – USD316,300 th. (+105,850 th.).

On the currency swap transactions market:

— on USDKZT_0_001 weighted average rate made KZT+0.1500 (15.49 % per annum) at the trades volume of USD238,200 th.;

— on USDKZT_0_002 no deals were made; at the session close at the session close quotes in the KASE trading system were absent;

— on EURKZT_0_001 and EURKZT_0_002 no deals were made; at the session close quotes in the KASE trading system were absent.

26 banks participated in the trades.

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